Your kids will love Horseshoe Falls Hazelbrook! It is a short and pictureque walk that presents you and your family with gorgeous waterfalls amidst a Blue Mountains wonderland. There are four main waterfalls to explore along this track but you can choose to turn around after any of them, depending on the age and stamina of your children. We recommend checking out Horseshoe and Glow Worm Nook Falls in Hazelbrook for children to get a healthy dose of fresh Blue Mountains air these school holidays.

Muddy fun at Horseshoe Falls Hazelbrook!

Horseshow Falls Hazelbrook in the mid-mountains is a medium grade walk is best after rainfall, but extra adventurous with the mud along the track! Hiking or good walking shoes are a must – be careful walking on mud and hold your little one’s hand, it can get quite slippery.

Horseshoe Falls Hazelbrook, kids splashing, muddy gumboots
Muddy puddle after rain on our way to Horseshoe Falls.
Non-slip gumboots make this walk extra fun!

It is a little confusing at times knowing which path to follow but this is a fairly popular track and it makes sense to follow the path towards the waterfalls. The first waterfall you will reach – after about 15 minutes – is Horseshoe Falls. It is a gorgeous waterfall with a cave overhang in the shape of a horseshoe.

Horseshoe Falls Hazelbrook, beautiful waterfall
Horseshoe Falls

If you continue walking, you will arrive at another amazing waterfall, larger and more breath taking than Horseshoe Falls. Glow Worm Nook Falls is absolutely lovely after rainfall and is a natural playground for children, as they explore behind the waterfall looking for glow worms, clamber over rocks and splash with sticks in the water. It’s beautiful!

Glow Worm Nook Falls

Signage recommends that Horseshoe Falls takes an hour return to complete. It doesn’t actually take that long – it is more about half an hour return, depending on how long you stay to enjoy the falls. Glow Worm Nook Falls might take approximately an hour return with little legs.

Horseshoe Falls Hazelbrook, bushwalk entrance, kids

Finding the track

The Horseshoe Falls Hazelbrook track begins on Oaklands Road. Park along the road and look for the sign above.


The Horseshoe Falls Hazelbrook Bushwalk Bush Trackers Map for your children to practise their map reading skills. This map goes only as far as Horseshoe Falls.

Bushwalking Safety Information

As always, please read our bushwalking safety information to always be prepared when out bushwalking with your children.

Ensure that you check all of the relevant safety requirements for the particular track that you are walking. Each walk is different and requires a different level of preparation. Please read our tips for keeping children safe on bushwalks. It’s a good idea to also download the NSW National Parks app and check out the Think before you TREK advice on the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Special thanks go to the Stronger Families Alliance in partnership with the Blue Mountains City Council for creating the Bushtrackers Guides and Maps, which are an excellent resource for families to teach children how to safely enjoy bushwalks.

kids bushwalking in Glenbrook holding hands

For more excellent bushwalks in the Blue Mountains National Park for kids, be sure to check out our full article, ‘The Best Bushwalks for Kids in the Blue Mountains: A Guide For Families.’

If you are after fantastic ideas for bush play for your children in the Blue Mountains National Park, our article, ‘Bush Playgroup in the Blue Mountains: How to Create Your Own‘, may interest you.

Please let us know in the comments below if you found our article helpful or if you have any questions. We hope that you enjoy exploring the Blue Mountains National Park bushwalks with your family!

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