Julia Reserve Youth Precinct: A brand new modern youth precinct is now open in Oran Park. Beautifully landscaped Julia Reserve Youth Precinct is definitely worth a visit for kids, tweens and teens who would like to experience new skateboard and scootering challenges. It is sure to be a very popular spot for youth and families these July school holidays, having only just opened in March this year.
Julia Reserve Youth Precinct in Oran Park is an attractive hub for young people to enjoy an amazing skate park, parkour facility, ping pong tables, kick about space and basketball courts. The Camden local planning panel approved the $9 million project last year and local families couldn’t be happier!

Julia Reserve Youth Precinct Skatepark
The integrated multi-dimensional skate park is the centrepiece of the park, with skateable elements scattered throughout. The skate bowls cater for beginners to the highly advanced skater. The surface is incredibly slippery when wet so best to visit on a dry day. There are a variety of jumps, ramps and bowls to suit skaters and scooterers of all ages, but no funboxes. Because this park is so fun, expansive and unfenced, it can be tricky to supervise if you have more than one child, as they may scatter to various parts of the park in their excitement.

Julia Reserve Youth Precinct is in walking distance to the town centre and is a spacious and open space that caters well for large numbers of people. There is a new Recreation Centre (not open yet due to Covid), amenities block and adequate seating to watch the kids bunny hop, fakie, nose pivot and tailwhip! (just some lingo you may need at the skatepark, Mum!)

Soon to come to Julia Reserve Youth Precinct
The most exciting feature coming soon to this precinct is the construction of Macarthur’s largest water Splash Park. It was expected that the fantastic Water Play Space and surrounding youth and junior play areas were to be opened to the public by now but construction is running significantly behind schedule for completion, due to Covid.
To keep up to date with latest developments on Julia Reserve Youth Precinct and the Grand Opening of the Splash Park, check the developer’s website or follow their Facebook Page for latest news, to find out exactly when this spectacular Splash Park will open! (hopefully by this Summer).

Despite the Splash Park at Julia Reserve Youth Precinct not yet being complete, the partial opening of Julia Reserve Youth Precinct Skatepark is most welcome by local residents nonetheless. In addition to the massive water play area, plans include equipment and elements for children of all ages, including toddlers and playground equipment including slides, spinners, swings, in-ground trampolines and more. The site will also be home to barbecue facilities, shelters, seating and a picnic area. Now, that’s a park!

Julia Reserve park is a great idea for an afternoon out with the family these school holidays. BYO picnic lunch, table tennis bats and balls and bring the scooters for a fun arvo out! The precinct has been awarded recently for its architectural excellence at the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects Awards, and you will see why – it is a beautfiul space and is only going to get better when the rest of the park is completed.

How to get out there?
Head east down the mountain and take the Northern Road exit. It will take you around 40 minutes from Glenbrook and around an hour and twenty minutes from Katoomba (please note that much of the Northern Road is road works so this may affect travel time slightly – always best to Google it first).
There are other suggestions for parks in the Oran Park region in our Winter School Holiday Guide 2020. Check them out here.
Let us know in the comments below what you thought of Julia Reserve.