Meeting a dinosaur is an experience that many of us might only imagine, but at Dinosaur Valley Scenic World, make your dream a reality as you explore the ancient prehistoric rainforest of the Jamison Valley.

stegosaurus at dinosaur valley scenic world blue mountains

On your journey through Dinosaur Valley, you will spot dozens of dinosaurs. Observe protective dinosaurs nestled with their eggs amongst leaf litter in the rainforest and bold, brazen dinosaurs that roar at you in an attempt to guard their territory.

young girl watching dinosaurs hatch from their eggs at dinosaur valley scenic world blue mountains

On your safari through Dinosaur Valley Scenic World, pat a triceratops hatchling and snap a selfie with a T-Rex. Dinosaur Valley encapsulates what life must have been like for dinosaurs in the Jurassic Period – and we get the privilege to walk among them right here in the Blue Mountains.

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Descend Into Dinosaur Valley Scenic World With The World’s Steepest Railway

the scenic railway at scenic world blue mountains

Not only do you fraternise with the world’s oldest reptiles at Dinosaur Valley, but you will also enjoy the safari style transport that takes you there – the iconic Scenic Railway.

Subside into the Jamison Valley on the historical Scenic Railway with a ‘Cliffhanger’ experience (a 64 degree seat incline), or for a more relaxed journey, set your chair to ‘Laidback’ or ‘Original’. Pick your own adventure! Then dig deep for courage as your inner Indiana Jones takes over – and watch out for the pterodactyls swooping above your carriage!

pterodactyl swooping the scenic railway blue mountains

When you arrive at the boardwalk, your Dinosaur Valley adventure awaits! Walk about five minutes past the historical coal mine artifacts to reach the beginning of your dino walk – find #SCENICDINOS to begin and marvel at the dozens of dinosaurs set among the Jurassic rainforest.

children running into dinosaur valley scenic world

Did You Know?

Did you know that scientists can measure the height of a dinosaur from its footprint? Intriguing and educational, Scenic World’s Dinosaur Valley teaches explorers on the trail fascinating facts about dinosaurs (best of all, the kids will be learning about a variety of dinosaur species without realising it!).

little girl meeting two dinosaurs at dinosaur valley scenic world

Discover clues from the past down Fossil Alley and meet Stegosaurus, Triceratops, an Aussie Velociraptor named Australovenator, a Queenslander called Minmi and a couple of ‘thick-headed lizards’ known as Pachycephalosaurus.

three triceratops at dinosaur valley scenic world

You may even spot a dinosaur getting its teeth brushed by a Dinosaur Ranger with a very large toothbrush!

dinosaur ranger brushing a dinosaur's teeth at dinosaur valley scenic world

Along your walk, you will experience the shrills, grunts, bellows, roars and squeaks of these wild, ancient beasts but your fear is laid to rest once you meet and greet the tiny yellow triceratops hatchling at the hatchery and learn about the lifecycle of dinosaurs from the Dinosaur Rangers. He will melt your heart and your children may want to take him home as a pet (although your neighbours may not be too happy about that!)

dinosaur valley scenic world, little girl meeting a hatchling triceratops

Raptor Tales: ‘Cooee’, The Playful Fukuiraptor

raptor tales at scenic world

As you wind up the home stretch of your Dinosaur Valley adventure, admiring the tangled vines, towering gum trees, and masses of enormous, graceful ferns, head back up to Scenic World in time for the epic Raptor Tales!

‘Raptor Tales’ conjure up memories of the fun raptor song from Mrs Doubtfire, but the show is, of course, much bigger and more exciting than that! Think more of a giant carnivorous therapod, called ‘Cooee’, the Japanese Fukuiraptor, almost as tall as the ceiling, playfully showing off for his extremely engaged audience.

little boy playing a gamne at raptor takes scenic world blue mountains

‘Cooee’ knows how to perform and it is hard to take your eyes off him for the 20 minute show. Not only is ‘Cooee’ huge, but he is fun, a little scary and endearing all at the same time! Children are in awe of ‘Cooee’ because he seems very real!

kids enjoying the show at raptor tales scenic world

Raptor Tales skillfully incorporates dinosaur facts with playful antics as ‘Cooee’ weaves his way in and out of an enthralled audience.

a child playing a game with a dinosaur at raptor tales scenic world

You may like to get up close to the life-sized Fukuiraptor, ‘Cooee’, to meet him before or after the show. A 3.45pm show starts exactly at 4pm, for example, so there is usually about 15 minutes to (gently) admire his awesomeness!

two young girls meeting a dinosaur at raptor tales scenic world

Younger children may prefer to wave to ‘Cooee’ from a distance, as they may not realise that ‘Cooee’ is not actually a real dinosaur, but that he is just a big, friendly, affectionate Fukuiraptor having a bit of fun in the beautiful Blue Mountains!

excited child meeting a dinosaur at raptor tales scenic world

Raptor Tales is an entertaining and convivial theatrical experience not to miss when you visit Dinosaur Valley Scenic World. Enjoy Scenic World’s iconic trilogy of rides while you are visiting Dinosaur Valley, to make your visit to Dinosaur Valley a truly memorable experience.

little girl riding the scenic cableway at scenic world

Tread lightly, listen carefully and
awaken your sense of adventure.

Tickets for Dinosaur Valley Scenic World & Raptor Tales are only available until 27 February 2022.

Book your tickets here.

triceratops at dinosaur valley scenic world

Blue Mountains Mums were guests of Scenic World for Dinosaur Valley & Raptor Tales.

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